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Induls: 2006-10-27
Status Bar
Ess Staturs Bar

A pirossal irt rszt ird t! :)

Kd :

<!--// Copyright 1996 - Tomer and Yehuda Shiran
// This example will appear in our forthcoming book on JavaScript.
// Feel free to "steal" this code provided that you leave this notice as is.
// Additional examples from the book can be found at
// Provided by Amber @ Candi Kisses
// For more information contact Tomer or Yehuda Shiran <>

// set speed of banner (pause in milliseconds between addition of new character)
var speed = 10

// decrease value to increase speed (must be positive)
// set pause between completion of message and beginning of following message
var pause = 1500

// increase value to increase pause
// set initial values
var timerID = null
var bannerRunning = false

// create array
var ar = new Array()

// assign the strings to the array's elements
ar[0] = "Kdoscsaj portlpit oldaln jrsz"
ar[1] = "Ha megtetszett ez a kd,hasznld fel az oldaladon! =)"
ar[2] = "rlk hogy itt vagy! :)"
ar[3] = "Gyere mskor is :)"

// assign index of current message
var message = 0

// empty string initialization
var state = ""

// no value is currently being displayed

// stop the banner if it is currently running
function stopBanner() { 
 // if banner is currently running 
 if (bannerRunning)  
 // stop the banner  
 // timer is now stopped 
 timerRunning = false

// start the banner
function startBanner() { 
 // make sure the banner is stopped 
 // start the banner from the current position 

// assign state a string of "0" characters of the length of the current message
function clearState() { 
 // initialize to empty string 
 state = "" 
 // create string of same length containing 0 digits 
 for (var i = 0; i < ar[message].length; ++i) {  
  state += "0" 

// display the current message
function showBanner() { 
 // if the current message is done 
 if (getString()) {  
  // increment message  
  // if new message is out of range wrap around to first message  
 if (ar.length <= message)   
  message = 0  
  // new message is first displayed as empty string  
  // display next character after pause milliseconds  
  timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", pause) 
 else {  
  // initialize to empty string  
  var str = ""  
  // built string to be displayed (only character selected thus far are displayed)  
 for (var j = 0; j < state.length; ++j) {   
  str += (state.charAt(j) == "1") ? ar[message].charAt(j) : "     "  
 // partial string is placed in status bar  
 window.status = str  
 // add another character after speed milliseconds  
 timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", speed) 

function getString() { 
 // set variable to true (it will stay true unless proven otherwise) 
 var full = true 
 // set variable to false if a free space is found in string (a not-displayed char) 
 for (var j = 0; j < state.length; ++j) {  
  // if character at index j of current message has not been placed in displayed string  
  if (state.charAt(j) == 0)   
  full = false 
 // return true immediately if no space found (avoid infinitive loop later) 
 if (full) return true 
 // search for random until free space found (braoken up via break statement) 
 while (1) {  
  // a random number (between 0 and state.length - 1 == message.length - 1)  
  var num = getRandom(ar[message].length)  
  // if free space found break infinitive loop  
 if (state.charAt(num) == "0")   
 // replace the 0 character with 1 character at place found 
 state = state.substring(0, num) + "1" + state.substring(num + 1, state.length) 
 // return false because the string was not full (free space was found) 
 return false

function getRandom(max) { 
 // create instance of current date 
 var now = new Date()  
 // create a random number (good generator) 
 var num = now.getTime() * now.getSeconds() * Math.random() 
 // cut random number to value between 0 and max - 1, inclusive 
 return num % max
// -->

Tokyo Mew Mew
Kaleido Star
Elfen Lied
Sajt Kszts Cuccok
Full Metal Panic
Kiddy Grade

<bgsound src="D:\MP3 Vegyes\Mixeim\Cuki - Cuki vagyok (Yellow Gas Station Pinky remix).mp3" loop=true>
<bgsound src="D:\MP3 Vegyes\Mixeim\Cuki - Cuki vagyok (Yellow Gas Station Pinky remix).mp3" loop=true>


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